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The ULI Tenant Energy Optimization Program provides access to complimentary downloads of resources that will improve your energy efficiency practices.

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    What is ULI
    Take the Pledge About the Pledge

    Taking the pledge demonstrates a commitment to delivering a high-performance, sustainable tenant space. After you take the pledge, we’ll follow up with you to discuss past or planned efficient tenant spaces.  

      Benefits of Taking the Pledge 

      1. Industry recognition for your commitment (through a press release and industry events)
      2. Complementary 1-page project profile that will be showcased on the TEOP website
      3. Energy benchmarking of the space for 12-months through ULI Greenprint

      If you aren’t sure, but would like more information on taking the pledge, let us know.

      About the Pledge

      Companies across the real estate value chain can make the TEOP pledge. See below for the TEOP pledge that fits your role in the tenant fit-out process.

      I am a …


      I pledge to use TEOP as part of planning my upcoming fit-out project/office move or lease renewal.

      Building Owner

      I pledge to introduce my new tenants to TEOP, and support their efforts to execute a sustainable fit-out project.

      Broker/Leasing Agent

      I pledge to inform my client about TEOP early in the site selection process, and encourage them to use TEOP as a guide through their leasing and fit-out process.


      I pledge to introduce my client to TEOP early in the design process, and to use it to help us plan and execute a sustainable fit-out project.

      Property Manager

      I pledge to introduce TEOP to my tenants when they are considering a new space, space expansion, or office remodel, and encourage them to use it as a tool to support their office fit-out project.

      Other Influencer

      I pledge to introduce TEOP to my connections in the real estate value chain, and encourage them to bring it to tenants looking to execute fit-out projects.